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Renée Nicole Souris

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Nikki Souris is Assistant Professor of Law & Society and Pre-Law Advisor in the School of Arts & Communications within Florida Tech's College of Psychology and Liberal Arts. Before coming to Florida Tech in 2019, Dr. Souris taught in the Department of Justice, Law & Criminology in the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, DC. She also served both as a Visiting Scholar with the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies at the George Washington University, and as a contractor in the Office of Research and Data for the United States Sentencing Commission of the US Federal Judicial Branch. Dr. Souris has acquired extensive teaching experience in legal, political, and moral theory, as well as in law and society. Her research presents empirically-informed analyses of complex questions that intersect law, politics, and ethics. For instance, Dr. Souris has published multiple journal articles that examine the relationship between moral development and responsibility, especially as applied to child soldiers. Her recent work also offers new insights into longstanding debates in constitutional interpretation and immigration by applying the conceptual resources of virtue ethics.

